May 19, 2013

The Miscellaneous Marxists Manifest@

Voices (source)
After blogging for a couple of months now, I realize there is an emerging theme of criticizing contemporary and current events throughout my posts. Two other classmates shared radical visions of the world we live in, and they contacted me to join them in writing a manifest@ together.

I finish my final semester here at St. Olaf College reading the Redstockings Manifesto of 1969 and the Combahee River Collective Statement of 1982, and collaborating with Lauren Kramer and Rachel Johnson to write our very own manifest@--a public declaration of our principles, policies, and intentions for future actions.

We are the Miscellaneous Marxists, a group of students who believe that the way capitalism manifests itself in our world is inherently oppressive and contributes to every issue that we have encountered throughout this course. We are “Miscellaneous” because we each come to this collective with our own lived experience, perspective, and passion. As a working class woman of color, I am constantly challenge systems of oppression. As a heterosexual able-bodied individual, I am very aware of my own privileges and keep an open mind to greater understanding of how my privilege is another's oppression.

This is a “Manifest@” because language reflects culture, and we want to subvert the Western inclination toward linguistic androcentrism: the mistaken belief that the male stands for the whole. When we repeat androcentric phrases, we validate androcentrism. However, the power of language can also be harnessed as a vehicle for profound social change; when we reject the lexicon of androcentrism and replace it with gender-inclusive language, we deny that ideology its power. We use the “@” symbol to replace androcentrism with gender-inclusive language; in feminist Spanish-speaking circles, people replace “a” and “o” with “@” for mixed-gender groups or people who have not self-identified as a man or woman. Our use of “@” symbolizes that anyone and everyone is welcome and necessary in our struggle.

The purpose of this manifest@ is to declare what we believe, expose the problems that feminism must confront, and propose ways of enacting change. We identify as revised radical Marxist anti-racist feminists, and we recognize that every liberation is tied up with every other liberation.

Miscellaneous Marxists’ Manifest@

1. The biggest issues facing women today are structural in nature. The oppression we experience is not only individual, but also systemic and institutional. We reject liberal feminism, which preserves oppressive patriarchal structures, simply aiming to bring women “up” to the normalized status of (a certain type of) men in society, rather than challenging hierarchy itself. We reject choice feminism, which posits that any “choice” a woman makes is a feminist choice because it refuses to acknowledge the constraints on women’s options and avoids the fact that the personal is political.

2. All systems of oppression are inextricably interconnected and cannot be treated as isolated phenomena. These systems include racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, ageism, classism, cis-sexism, and every other way that a group of people are privileged or disempowered because of their identity. These oppressive structures have infiltrated every facet of our lives, even the way we speak about them.

3. In the process of our liberation, we recognize, validate, and hold to be central, the voices and experiences of trans*, lesbian, bisexual, queer, genderqueer, intersex, asexual, and other marginalized groups and individuals within the feminist community. Their issues are our issues regardless of whether or not we belong to those categories ourselves.

4. We must free ourselves of the oppressive ideologies that have pervaded our cultures and our own minds. To do so, we must actively decolonize and decapitalize our minds, liberating ourselves of patterns of thought and action that perpetuate the systems we will eliminate.

Mindfulness (source)
5. Our liberation will necessitate constant intentionality. We must be continually self-reflective so that we are conscious of the implications of all we do. There must be purpose to each of our actions, and the action must match our values to the fullest extent. We consider our means to be equally as important as our ends, which involves perpetually cultivating and practicing mindfulness.

6. Education reform is essential to liberation. This begins with access. Education, including higher education, needs to be free for all and equipped to support all students. It is immoral and unacceptable to fund schools differently based on property tax revenues or student performance rates. We must equally distribute resources, including teachers, to each school to ensure that all students have at least comparable learning environments. In addition to access, we demand that the curriculum taught in the classroom and the way this curriculum is presented validates a variety of peoples and experiences, not just white male imperialist patriarchs.

7. We must demolish the prison-industrial complex and the existence of privatized prisons. The United States has the world’s highest incarceration rate. The system of mass incarceration is a system of racial control that traps poor people of color in second-class status for a lifetime. Policies that encourage racial profiling need to be eliminated because they contribute to the unjust mass incarceration of people of color, and in addition, they are not grounded in fact. Ex-felons should not have their basic rights, especially the right to vote, taken away because of their status.

8. Everyone has the right to live comfortably without having to worry about meeting their basic needs. The wealthiest U.S. households need to contribute their fair share to the benefit of the rest of the population. We must tax unearned income at the same rate as earned income and return to the taxation rates effective in 1953, in which the wealthiest portion of U.S. earners paid a top tax rate of 92%. In addition to altering taxation rates, we also must reconsider the way our tax dollars are utilized. We must employ fair redistribution practices so that the lower-income members of our society are able to live the lives they deserve.

9. Healthcare is a human right. Everyone should receive high-quality and free care, which includes not only biomedical treatment, but also preventative and overall wellness care. We unequivocally demand reproductive rights, including the right to contraception, safe, legal abortion, prenatal care, and postnatal care, regardless of age, gender, marital status, or any other factor. We also believe that the production and distribution of a male contraceptive pill is of vital importance to the liberation of women.

10. Corporate media limits the audible spectrum of voices and conversations heard by the broader populace. The mainstream media is increasingly and unacceptably implicated with economic and political elites, refusing to confront those same people who hold power. Independent media breaks down the barriers to equal representation, opening access for marginalized people to speak for and accurately represent themselves. Dominant media conglomerates must be broken up, and the number of channels and stations that are owned by corporations must be matched by those owned by independent collectives. 

Demilitarize for Peace (source)
11. As a collective committed to nonviolence, we demand that our communities and our nation abide by the same principle. We prioritize demilitarization of the United States because the military industrial complex squanders resources, destroys peoples and the planet, and maintains exploitative imperialist colonial practices. We demand to cut the military budget by at least 50% and redistribute that money to fund a federal jobs program; to close overseas bases and end the corporate natural resource-driven wars, attacks, and conflicts; and to teach non-violent conflict resolution and the value of consensus-based decision-making. 

12. We demand election reform in order to enable us to create the society that we want. We must eliminate the two-party stranglehold and the Electoral College, abolish the Commission on Presidential Debates, introduce an Election Day national holiday and extend the voting period over a weekend, prohibit corporate funding of any candidate or party, and amend the constitution to ban corporate personhood.

13. These points are just the beginning of the large-scale revolution for which we stand. We have extremely large goals, and we are conscious and proud of that fact. In order to make these changes happen, we are willing to take small steps to get there (if necessary). We will be intentionally straightforward; we will not sugar-coat our stances and experiences. We refuse to skirt around issues that need to be dealt with openly and explicitly: we are calling out the faults of our society, and we are calling on our society to change them.

May 7, 2013

$eeking Arrangement

Money for College
I owe St. Olaf College  $4,773.

If I do not pay this amount by May 23rd, I will not be able to receive my diploma and graduate. I'm stressing out and super worried about how I need to pull out a lot of loans.

$4,773 is a lot of money for me, especially because my family and I live below the poverty line. We've always been below the poverty line. But somehow, when I tell my friends that I have a total of about $4,000 in loans, they shout "That's it!!?"

I quickly find out how they have over $20,000 in loans. One of my friends has about $31,000 in loans. She studied traveled abroad two times during her college career. This relieves me about my situation, although I find it absolutely troubling that the costs of a college education has skyrocketed. My friend and I researched more about this phenomenon. We searched for articles on the New York Times and found an alarming article on how recent college students have been seeking arrangements with millionaires to help pay off their insane education debts. This was shocking. I continued to search for other articles and videos on this topic.

There are many media views on this phenomenon because there is a large debate on if this activity is considered prostitution: Dr. Drew on SeekingArrangement & on 20/20 College Sugar Babies.

Check out the website. What do you think about these descriptions?
Seeking Arrangement

The Modern Gentlemen

You are always respectful and generous. You only live once, and you want to date the best. Some call you a mentor, sponsor or benefactor. But no matter what your desires may be, you are brutally honest about who you are, what you expect and what you offer.

Goal Seeking Sugar Baby

Attractive, intelligent, ambitious and goal oriented. Sugar Babies are students, actresses, models or girls & guys next door. You know you deserve to date someone who will pamper you, empower you, and help you mentally, emotionally and financially.

The site confirms the income of the sugar daddies and sugar mamas; however, it does not promise the safety of anyone's life. 

May 2, 2013

ENOUGH! Campaign

Yesterday, over a hundred people joined together in solidarity against hate crimes at St. Olaf College.

Some students walked over to Buntrock Commons right when it was 2:45pm--having left class ten minutes early to grab other people's attention in hope that they'd follow to support the cause. A few professors even canceled their class so that their students may support this cause with their presence.

It was nice to see professors in the crowd. I saw about ten or twelve professors. My philosophy professor gave me a hug when she saw me. It's been a while since I had taken Philosophy of Feminism with her. Many professors were from the Sociology and Anthropology department.

Student organizers of this event stood on a bench holding their speech notes and a big black megaphone. They spoke into the megaphoneStudent leaders addressed a series of hate crimes that occurred on campus within a year. They wanted to push for having a more effective institutional way of dealing with hate crimes on campus since it is poorly managed. They also wanted for all the students, staff, and faculty in the crowd to have more open discussions about these hate crimes and to create a safer place for every single person of any diverse background here at St. Olaf College. The student leaders also presented signatures of those who were in solidarity with these issues. There were 371 signatures (including more after this event). Next, other speakers stood on the bench and engaged the audience in an activity like so:

If anyone has ever made you feel uncomfortable because of your race, sex, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etcetera, raise your fist and shout "YEAH!"

This activity is similar to the "please take one step back if you are underprivileged because of ____". Those who end up in the back of the room are the least privileged in society. I do not like these activities. It is alienating. The wealthy white heterosexual male privileged person usually doesn't have to raise his fist up in the air. This activity just brings me more shame, hate, and isolation. I am usually the one who ends up in the very back of the room. And I was the one, at this ENOUGH! rally, to raise my fist and shout "YEAH" nearly each time. What did I really gain from this activity? I get a sense that I am united with those who experience oppression like I do, but then again I also feel miserable.

Overall, I do not believe that most people gain anything in the end--no extraordinary enlightenment. This activity is not critical enough.

What happens to the most privileged person?

Some are secretly shouting within, "Oh yeah, I have all the privilege in the world!" Or are either in full sympathy and guilt, which is not productive. Activities like these need an extra element of critical analysis or something else! I don't know. These are my biases and critiques. To what extent do you believe these activities are effective? Do you have an idea of how it may be improved?

April 28, 2013

What ever happened to feminism?

Two years ago I worked on an oral history project. I interviewed my academic adviser. She was a big feminist during her college years here at St. Olaf. During her time, students were protesting to have condoms readily available on campus. This was a time where the conversation of sex could lead to a deadly one because of HIV/AIDS. As a feminist, she protested holding signs and shouting for students' rights to have condoms on campus. This was in the 80's.

After graduating from college, she was still a feminist but in subtle ways. She now works here on campus and saw how the student body do not display overt forms of feminism at all. You wouldn't find a group of students holding up signs for change. It's different now.

Some of my friends claim to be feminists. A few despise the word and do not think they need feminism anymore. What is going on? I am not sure, but I believe Courtney E. Martin's TED Talk here is very important to consider.

April 24, 2013

Because I was Colorblind

I can understand when Camille Wilson Cooper said, "A colorblind society is a detrimental one." 
I feel the oppression of colorblind racism every day. White students all around me are kind and wave hello to me, but that's as far as it really goes.  

In her essay Racially Conscious Mothering, she mentioned how black mothers have been raising their kids to become aware of the racial stratification of society. Black mothers are making their kids aware of how unfair America's society is to them simply because of their brown skin. I wish I had a mentor to tell me about this. I have only been living a lie since I wasn't able to recognize or study what racism really is. 

My mother didn't raise me to be racially conscious. After fleeing from the Vietcong during the Vietnam War, my parents and three older siblings were able to fly to the United States to make a new and better life here. Their minds were filled with the American Dream rhetoric. 

The words that filled my mind were: Education is the key to success! 

It seemed true for a long time. I did well in all my schooling. During high school I even took a few college courses--enough to fulfill a whole semester's worth of courses. I was off to college with so much enthusiasm and happiness because of my academic success. However, once I came here to St. Olaf College, I began experiencing something I could not have prepared for: classicism and racism...covert racism. I never knew these would hurt so much. 

My first year at St. Olaf College was a big disaster. For the first time ever, I was in a room full of white students who are super rich. Some had a few mansions, many had medical doctors for parents. I never felt so far behind in academics before. How could I, an immigrant daughter, compete with that? 

Every single day was an impossible battle in my mind. Before I went to class, I was already stressing about how I'm going to have to sit with all of those white students. When I made it to class, I sat with the international Chinese students so I wouldn't have to fear being judge by using incorrect grammar since the Chinese students I became friends with struggled to understand the English language. I felt more at home sitting next to them.

When class required me to speak for participation points, I began to rehearse a sentence or two in my head for 20 minutes before I actually raise my hand because my mind is always interrupted with fear of what the white students really think of me as an Asian person:

Ching chong, ling long, ting tong.
Those Asians can't even speak English.
They need to go back to China.
Their eyes are so chinky. 

My thoughts became more poisonous. Once I began to raise my hand, my face begins to redden. As I raise my hand up, chaos fills my mind:

I know, I just know, that if I mess up on my grammar when speaking out loud, all the white people will attach it to my whole race of Asians. 

When white people mess up on their grammar, it never attaches to them. 

Think about George W. Bush. 

He made lots of grammatical errors in his public speeches, but most of the American society thinks it was cute, simply adorable and such. 

The American society wouldn't label white people as grammatically incorrect imbeciles. 

If Obama made grammatical errors in his speech, all hell would break loose. 

All of this is because of racism. 

All of this was scrambling all over in my mind. 

Right before I am about to be called on, my mind tells me:
Don't mess up, don't mess up, don't be grammatically incorrect, please don't, or else they will all think you're stupid, they will all think Asian Americans from the ghetto poor neighborhoods are stupid and only made it to campus because of affirmative action and grant money...don't mess up....or else...

...and then the professor picks on me to make a comment....

"...Oh, never mind," I smile politely as my cheeks begin to burn.

"Are you sure?" My professor insists.

I lie, "...Um, you have already answered the question I had..."

"Okay" He turns toward the class again and continues lecture.

My mind is still at war. I replay all the words I've said out loud:

Oh, never mind...Um, you have already answered the question I had...

Oh, never mind...Um, you have already answered the question I had...

Oh, never mind...Um, you have already answered the question I had...

I pause.

I wonder if that statement was grammatically incorrect...

Oh, never mind...Um, you have already answered the question I had...
Oh, never mind...Um, you have already answered the question I had...

Oh, never mind...

Um, you have already answered the question I had...

Okay, I think it's okay...


I was never like this in high school. I went to a high school that was absolutely racially diverse. It was only when I came to an institution where I am really the only person of color in the classroom that I began to have all these fears of racism. Because all of the white students are very good at hiding their truly racist thoughts and perceptions (colorblind racism), my state of mind has become chaotic somehow. That is how I have tried to understand this situation. Before learning about colorblind racism, I just blamed myself for getting carried away with these thoughts and being far too hysterical. But no, there is a larger social force that is impacting my feelings and thoughts and that is the racial stratification of our society and all the things that emerges from it--colorblind racism, overt racism, white supremacy, etc. And it's not just race. My passiveness also has to do with how women in society are supposed to be the submissive obedient persons to men.

Colorblind racism is all around me. Even if white students did not say racist things to my face, I know it crosses their mind. I know they talk about it behind closed doors. Everyone seems friendly, but no one will ever invite me to their movie nights, luncheons, or other activities. Colorblind racism was destroying me, and I didn't even know it. I've heard several white students say colorblind racists things such as, "Oh, one of my best friends were black." Did they really hangout, invite each other over for dinner in their home, sleepovers, etc? I don't think so. Stop lying to me. 

I believe mothers need to be racially conscious and raise their kids to be aware of it. I believe everyone should be racially conscious just as Professor Ted Thornhill said in our class on Monday. If I had been raised by being aware of the racial stratification of this society and of the world, I believe I would have been a stronger person. I would not be such a passive Asian woman. My mind would not have endured   all this pain because I would have built a strong foundation on how to shift my thinking. 

April 19, 2013

Burgeoning Feminist

My friend is getting married. 

Don't get excited for me. 

I feel disappointed, upset, angry, and worried about this news. 

For me, it's more like he is purchasing a woman.

Dowry Price (source)
I've been friends with Xavier since high school. We used to play tennis after school with a bunch of friends. 

A couple of months ago, he went to visit Laos with his parents. He posted pictures of their visit to Laos on Facebook. I found it strange that most of the photos are of him and Laotian Hmong women. It seems like his vacation and mission in Laos was to find a wife. Many Hmong American men have been traveling overseas for this purpose. I didn't think Xavier is the kind of person to do this sort of thing, but I guess his actions speak louder than words. After only a few weeks in Laos, my friend returned to the USA engaged to a Hmong woman from Laos.

The worst part is the extra album he created. It is entitled, "Hmong Laos Girls". The description for the album says, "Be serious and you can contact them." In this album, there are 18 individual pictures of Laotian Hmong women. These women look like they are dressed in the best clothing they have. Some stand in front of their home which is a shack with dirt as the floor. The beautiful forest jungle scenery is also in the background. Another woman stands on a bridge. Another woman stands on a dirt road, holding the peace sign up. Each photo has their name.

I had to make a few comments on this album.

Isn't it illegal to post something like this? It's like a different form [a safer form] of human trafficking. What you're saying to your audience is: "If you're serious about 'purchasing' a Laotian Hmong woman through 'marriage', here they are. Just pick and choose." This is highly dehumanizing towards women. A violence done onto women. I do not approve.

To an extent, I agree with you Monzong, but maybe the girls approved?!

that's why i said serious inquiries only. if who ever ask and is not serious about actually marrying one then STAY OFF because these are close relatives of mine too. also they did ask too if i can find them one if i don't get involved with anyone of them..

You may argue men are relieving women through financial support. You could say that this is a form of empowering women and their family in developing countries such as Laos & Thailand. However, the power dynamic of the patriarchal societies in which we exist in coerces women [and their families] to this kind of desperation for wealth. You can argue that these women are giving their consent to marry the 'rich' American Hmong men, but to what extent have their thoughts and values been shaped by their poor living conditions and the oppressive forces of the patriarchal system of a society? In the end, this kind of activity results in the degradation of women (no matter if you have close relations to these women or not), which leads to sexism, and then lead to violence towards women--sexual violence and more. The larger picture is at stake here: women seen as objects--objectification of women.

that's y i said serious inquiries only. the reason i said that is if you don't like the girl why start it. and also i don't approve of a person getting married just because one of them is in a poorer state. that's going to be a mislead to a life of unhappiness. as you noticed and see i married one myself. I made my own choice based on the facts that I've met her and really like and love her and the factors goes the same for her.

So what does marriage mean anyway? Does it begin with seeing someone as sexy and vulnerable and beautiful? And then what's next? Making sure you have enough money? And then what's next? Oh, I know what's next, it's the nice flowery notion of valuing the woman's sense of self-worth, her personality, her obedience, compatibility...? Is this your message to the world about these women? I don't understand. Please debunk these thoughts in my mind. Please do so, as I am contemplating about this all in relation to the greater sociological consequences. I find what you say hard to believe, though I believe you're not the typical ruthless Hmong man who would just go over to Laos merely in pursuit of purchasing a wife. No offense there. I am finding it hard to believe what you're displaying here is a result for the greater good of women's condition. I need to speak to you more about this.

I'm not putting it out that way. I'm just a person who is trying to open a pathway to others. There are many (and I know a few) that would take advantage of this, but at the same time you have to considerate who is the one behind this. Which is me, thinks highly of a women, that is not willing to give anymore information to those who is just trying to take advantage someone.

You think highly of women but how does this display of women not make you hypocritical?

It's not. If I am I would be posting phone numbers left and right like everyone else that are trying to take advantage of others.

I'm not putting it out that way. I'm just a person who is trying to open a pathway to others. There are many (and I know a few) that would take advantage of this, but at the same time you have to considerate who is the one behind this. Which is me, thinks highly of a women, that is not willing to give anymore information to those who is just trying to take advantage someone.

I don't mean to demonize you in anyway. I believe you have good intentions. However, I believe this situation is more complicated than you think it is. It is more complicated than WE think it is. I am here to provoke critical analysis of this situation through a sociological and feminist perspective. I don't want for anyone to be a passive recipient to whatever is in front of them. I want questions.

Sue's comment about how the Laotian Hmong women have agency for approving these marriages troubles me. Do they really have agency? Is it really their choice? The rhetoric of women's choice is a passive discourse. In 21st Century Motherhood, Judith Stadtman Tucker critiques the discourse of choice and agency in her essay From "Choice" to Change: Rewriting the Script of Motherhood as Maternal Activism:

From an activist standpoint, the discourse of choice--which is primarily used to justify or explain the way things are, rather than to defend the way things ought to be--can be understood as a passive discourse (297).

This is the essay I needed to read in order to better analyze this situation. The Laotian Hmong women may approve of the marriage arrangements, but how has their choice been influenced by multiple social factors and systems of oppression like patriarchy and capitalism? 

I've changed a lot since high school. My thinking has become more radical and critical since high school. Many of my old high school friends want to enjoy the simple life and not have to complicate things. I really do not know if they can handle being around me. I don't think they are used to women or thinkers like me because if something sexist is muttered, I will react. I will challenge them. They will feel uncomfortable, but I think they will grow from it nevertheless. 

April 14, 2013

White Eggs in Brown Bodies

Brown bodies, white eggs. So, what does that mean?  Basically, white women, who cannot carry a fetus for 9 months due to a variety of medical issues, pay black women to become their surrogate. The brown woman's body [uterus] has a fertilized egg from a white couple inside. Race is very important here. Historically, white people have an extremely higher level of income than black people. White women overall are less likely to become surrogate mothers unless they are paid a high income. On a large scale, black women have less income than white women in this country. Black women are  more likely to offer their body as a surrogate way as a means for extra income money and when they do not request as much money for offering these services compared to what white women would demand. 

In Deborah R. Grayson's journal article, Mediating Intimacy: Black Surrogate Mothers and the Law, she poses these questions after the case of Mark and Crispina Calvert—a white and Filipina ancestry middle-class couple—and their surrogate Anna Johnson—a working-class woman of African American descent. 
  • Can a woman be the mother of a child with whom she has no genetic connection? 
  • Or does the genetic material provided by the egg and the sperm donated to create the child determine who its natural parent or parents are? 
  • When does a woman become a mother--while she is pregnant or after she has delivered a baby? 
  • What of the bodily experience of pregnancy?
  • Does a woman's participation in pregnancy--her carrying the fetus in her uterus--have any bearing on the determining factor in defining parental rights and relationships, or that custody disputes should be decided solely on the basis of the parental intent of the persons who supplied the genetic material? 
  • Who and what is a mother? 
  • Can a child have two biological mothers? 
How would you answer these questions?

April 11, 2013

Race Matters Campaign

At the beginning of this semester, I thought I had the worst Sociology & Anthropology senior seminar course. We did not even have a syllabus until a couple of weeks ago. The readings for class seemed randomly selected based on the most recent books on the economy, environment, health care, and race. It was a drag to go to class, and even worse to be stuck in class for 55 minutes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Wow. I never knew this would happen to me at St. Olaf College. 

On the other hand.....

The reason why this is the best class ever:

Our professor gave us full autonomy in designing any kind of project we want.

At first, we all wanted to create a protest. We wanted to do something radical about racism on campus. After much discussion and reconstruction of our ideas, we have decided to create the Race Matters campaign.

It has been a rewarding experience! I'm so proud of my colleagues and I for being so passionate about addressing racism on campus!

Please join us for the Panel Discussion on Monday April 15th 7pm in the Black and Gold Ballroom!

This is the poster that I created through Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Addressing colourblind racism.

April 10, 2013

Women of Color: Struggles with Eating Disorders and Body Image

Women of Color Struggle with Body Image
The wonderful Robyn McGee paid a visit to St. Olaf College to talk about eating disorders and body image. She created a workshop for the St. Olaf community. This was not the usual event about women's eating disorders that St. Olaf has had in the past.

McGee's workshop came with a unique perspective: black women's struggle with eating disorders and body image.
When McGee tried to engage the audience in a dialogue about black women's issues on body image and eating disorders, my natural inclination was to sigh and stare at the ground because the audience wasn't able to make any good connections with what McGee was trying to ask and speak about. The fact that white people in the audience found it difficult to relate to what McGee was trying to say made me rather miserable. It reminded me about how white people do not need to know the struggles of people of color.

Oh, white privilege....why do you hurt me so....

I felt like the audience needed a "Black Women's Struggle with Body Image and Eating Disorders 101" before we could engage in a dialogue within the workshop. But this isn't right. Why should the oppressed have to explain their conditions and situations to the oppressive dominant majority of the society? That just gets exhausting for the oppressed.

Simply, I think that McGee should have begun with an introduction that would set aside the audience's biases of the mainstream ideas of eating disorders, and ideas of body image (i.e. white females dealing with anorexia). I am pretty sure that only the black women present in the audience really understood all that McGee was referring to.

For instance, a pop culture artist who is an inspirational figure for the issues of hair in the black community is India Arie. Please listen to this song below.

Is Michelle Obama her hair?
Photoshopped Michelle Obama's Natural Hair
Pathology of Perfectionism

Fat in the right places
Courtney E. Martin's book Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters is a book for the majority of white women and their struggles with eating disorders.

Martin has a chapter that talks about Latina adolescent women struggle with having "fat in the right places", which means they are pressured to have a big bosom like Jennifer Lopez since that's the stereotype of Latinas. Martin also mentions the struggles about a few other women of color, but it's only one little chapter.

If Martin were to create a workshop about eating disorders and body image, it would be more suitable for St. Olaf's predominantly white student body (80%).

These are really my frustrations with the workshop and the turnout of it. I am perhaps far too cynical. Perhaps race is on my mind far too much.

But no! Women of color have to deal with body image in a vast different way than white women. This is the difference that needed to be stated at McGee's workshop. I wish she compared and contrasted these differences because of the ratio of white women and women of color in the audience.

Double Eyelid Surgery
My little niece came up to me telling me how her eyes are not beautiful. She told me how she had the same conversation with her mother. I asked what her mother (my eldest sister) said to her. My sister told her that surgery is an option. I was absolutely furious within, yet I kept calm for my nieces needs and concerns. Right away, I reassured my niece that her eyes are beautiful. I even Googled pictures of Asian women who have single eyelid like hers and are beautiful (i.e. Lucy Liu). My niece was far more confident and happy with the shape of her eyes. Her eyes do not need a double eyelid like that of white women. This moment in my life reminded me how powerful the universal beauty of whiteness is in the Asian community all around the world. In Korea's pop culture, many of the actors and actresses have gone under the knife to reshape their natural facial features such as the eyes and nose to look more white. 

April 5, 2013

The End of Men???

Hanna Rosin gave this TED talk on how women are rising above men in almost every area! She makes global generalizations on how women are succeeding everywhere. For example, women are becoming the breadwinners! Women have higher income than men! She also claims that there are more women in the world such as in China. This is not true.

According to Mara Hvistendahl, author of Unnatural Selection, there is a gender imbalance in the world.  The male to female ratio is distorted. There are more men in China than women. Rosin's hopeful speech about how women are rising above men lacks solid research. 

Watch and listen critically.

In Reshaping the Work-Family DebateJoan Williams critiques Sarah Palin's version of feminism:
"In Palin's version of feminism, men need not change. In addition, she herself exemplifies the conventional success strategy, which is to dress femme but act the tomboy, taking on masculine personality traits (firm, comanding, competent, confident) and roles (breadwinner). This strategy works for many professional women while they are young and child free. But it does not appeal to many women, and for many others, assimilation opportunities end abruptly once children are born. Palin so captivated many American women, in part, because she sent a reassuring message: I can be a good mother, a hot babe, and a successful leader. Nothing needs to change (218)."

Does Rosin's TED talk seem similar to that of Sarah Palin's version of feminism?

That's what it seems so to me! You could easily replace much of what Williams said about Palin's "version of feminism" and relate it to Rosin's message. Rosin over generalizes women. Her TED talk will not appeal to all mothers, women of color, women in poverty, and more. Rosin's TED talk only leads to how "nothing needs to change" except that maybe too many women are rising to the top and we need to help men.

By the way, check out Rosin's new book, The End of Men and the Rise of Women. I don't mean to promote her work. The title sounds iffy. Challenge her work.

April 2, 2013

Spring Break--Teaching Gender

Sad news:
I didn't get to adopt the cute little blind yorkie-chihuahua puppy. My mother and brother would leave it outside in the cold when I return to college. The puppy is better off with it's original owner for now.

Night Lights in Chicago, IL
Good news:
Over spring break, I presented research on teamwork in the classroom at the MSS Midwest Sociological Society annual conference in Chicago, Illinois. Wow, the city of Chicago is beautiful!

Great news: 
Throughout the MSS conference, I went to several sessions which prepared burgeoning professors on how to teach courses and how to work with students.

I attended a panel session about teaching gender. Four professors of WGST studies discussed their tactics on how to teach gender. One professor actually created a Facebook page for her students to think more critically about daily Facebook posts from their friends. Students would share these posts on their course's Facebook page. They would all engage in commenting critically about it.

After the panel discussion, the audience could share more tactics on teaching gender and ask questions. I shared our blogging communication style with them, and I also shared the idea of how feminism is found online through blogs and websites. And that the internet is a new space for raising consciousness about feminism.  There are also women who created scholarly blogs while publishing journal articles. The discourse of feminism can be found through this digital space.

Another session had 2 female professors of color who spoke about how they experienced racism from their students. One professor shared how a student came up to tell her, "I don't think you understood my paper," implying that the Latina professor wasn't proficient enough in English [because English is not her first language]. The professor, however, responded by saying, "Yes! I didn't understand your paper! That's why you got a C+."

March 22, 2013

Time for a Rest

Hello readers! I'm finally on spring break! I will be posting more when I return from spring break! Hope you'll enjoy the sun's warmth and the brighter days ahead!

I'm planning on adopting a blind puppy. It is a chihuahua and yorkie mixed breed. The puppy developed cataracts and it's far too expensive to pay for the surgery--$2,000 per eye. My sister is absolutely saddened by this as I refrain from such emotions. I don't want to turn my puppy into a demon dog by giving it affection 100%.  I learned that from Ceasar Millan. I love watching his Dog Whisperer shows!  It's amazing! And it's free on YouTube!

March 19, 2013

Education Matters

I can relate to many Mexican Americans both as a minority group and as a foreigner to this country. Even if I was born in the US, I feel like a foreigner in many ways. My family doesn't understand USA's complex social system (i.e. politics, legislation, education, and etcetera). My parents do not know how to read. They don't know how to speak English. The racialized hierarchy in the US and being in poverty contribute to how difficult it has been for my family to adjust to the US. The environment at home is like....(how can I describe this...?)...a struggle for everything. I feel we are still new to this country. After living here for over 30 years, we still do not know this USA world. Many times I wonder how it would be like to be born and raised in a white upper-middle class family. I just think so many things would be easier.

I am impressed of the Chicana mothers in 21st Century Motherhood: Experience, Identity, Policy, Agency edited by Andrea O'Reilly.

In the essay Chicana Mothering in the Twenty-first Century: Challenging Stereotypes and Transmitting Culture written by Jessica M. Vasquez, the Chicana mothers are active in demanding equality for their children's education. Chicana mothers were counteracting the "racializing messages of public discourse and institutions" (35).

These mothers academically pushed their children in a critical way. They advocated and fought for their children's rights to be in advance courses offered in schools when it was rather discriminatory to minority groups.

I would be super embarrassed if my parents did this. My dad would be shouting at a teacher, "She NO FAULT! My dau-to NO FAULT!" Guess why? Exactly.

You wouldn't really understand why, and that's why it's so embarrassing. He doesn't speak English very well. The fragments of his sentences do not match up into a comprehensive phrase. I remember the last time I told my family how my Advanced Placement World History teacher was just making us watch Bollywood videos every class hour. I wanted to learn more than watch Indian movies all day. Then my father came to school and created a big hullabaloo.

I was trying to tell my dad it wasn't a big deal and that we should just go home. He was shouting at a security guard, demanding to meet with my teacher. It was 5pm and school was already over. My teacher had already left (thank goodness). And then, the worst part was when my Hmong friend walked by and asked my dad what was wrong. My dad started getting him involved in the whole mess of things! It was so embarrassing. My friend was listening to my dad speak in Hmong about how my teacher was awful and wasn't educating the students correctly. While my dad was talking to my friend, guess what happened!?

The principal of the school walked towards us. Oh my. The principal asked what was wrong and my dad began shouting, "My dau-to. Her teacher NO GOOD!" My Hmong friend then took over and explained the situation to the principal. I was too embarrassed to even speak. I was trying to get out of the whole situation from the beginning my dad stepped foot in the school. After talking to the principal in the middle of the school's entrance, we finally went home. The teacher wasn't able to teach advanced courses anymore. I remained in her mediocre class until the end of the semester.

Similar to the Chicana mothers, both my mother and father care a lot about my education. I've always had a big academic push from my whole family. They all wanted me to become a medical doctor. They wanted me to rescue the whole family from poverty. I had straight A's in high school and was in the most advanced courses, including college courses in high school. They have used a lot of their time and energy to survive in this country and for me to have a good education. I respect those who value education's promises.

March 18, 2013

Intensions Behind the "Feminist" Postcard

Hey everyone! So, I emailed the artist who created the postcard. He responded to my email yesterday. I basically asked him what his intentions were for creating the postcard. It's a shame he didn't put much effort in researching feminism before throwing the images and words together to create the postcard. Please read below and then let me know your thoughts.

Hi Monzong,

Thanks for the email.

Gosh that postcard for the feminist society is a few years back now.

My intent?

- question the impact of the "feminist" movement
- question the "need" of the feminist movement
- question the "stage" in history of the feminist movement.

It was a very last minute constructed postcard, i didn't have the luxury of research ect ect

I know it could be misconstrued / mis interpreted (one of the beauties of "art") - but the main idea came from assessment of feminism. Ive 3 sisters that rule the family.

Many of my friends wives earn more money than the man, female prime ministers are common.

The third contentious image, was meant to refer to : "for every germaine greer / frida kahlo - feminist - there will always be a girl in LA in a porn film"  - ironically get paid MORE than men in the industry.

But not that literal. - also that feminism has also created an alternative to feminism itself, Thinking back to the 60's, feminist movements sprung up, and alternating ideas

WHAT IS THE ROLE OF A WOMAN - why the need to specify it?>

and so...feminism would funnel some women to being more conservative and "self respectful" - and the some the other direction - i.e overtly sexual, promiscuous - like the pre conceived "male cliche"

i could go on and on, but thats the gist....

THanks for the email, discussion is always healthy


March 15, 2013

Work-Family Feminist Theory

Hey everyone! I didn't realize this was still a draft since last Friday! I'm posting it now!

I'm getting lost in Joan William's book, Reshaping the Work-Family Debate. I don't fully understand or have the prior knowledge of different types of feminisms. I can't seem to understand William's critiques and proposition of reconstructive feminism. I am simply absorbing everything I am reading from her book. I mostly agree with everything she is saying, but I feel I need to be more critical when reading just because that's what a scholarly student does! I haven't been able to accomplish this though. I feel lost.

Essentialism has many issues because it makes gender roles seem natural. And eventually, we are left with the thought: Why change the workplace if women don't want to be there? This is problematic as people may feel there is no need to improve the workplace. Women do not want to work since it is a masculine place. Essentialism overlooks the issues of masculinity in the workplace.

How else do we need to frame our questions in order to understand the work-family debate?

What is Reconstructive Feminism?

Williams proposes a new way of shaping the workforce: "The first calls for eliminating the ideal-worker norm in market work; the second calls for eliminating the ideal-worker norm in family entitlements. The third calls for changing the ways we talk about gender" (4).

And then what...?

March 13, 2013


BRACE YOURSELF: disturbing image below. 
Feminist Postcard : Feminist Postcard Art Auction
Feminist Postcard Art Auction in the United Kingdom 
This postcard was made by David Rusbatch--an artist and painter from the United Kingdom.

I stumbled upon his artwork after reading this short anti-feminism blog post.

In this blog, Carlin Ross argues that Catherine A. MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin's contribution to the feminist movement had extreme views of anti-porn to the point where feminists were thought of to have become polarized into "anti-sex shrews like the woman in the middle image." Furthermore, Ross expressed deep frustration with how "the likes of" Dworkin and MacKinnon "killed the movement and left us all with a face full of cum".



What's going on here?

Is this really how we should interpret the sequence of images on Rusbatch's postcard?

If so, it makes me very upset and disappointed in the artist.

What I am most disappointed at is Ross' narrow and biased viewpoint. And I'm trying my best to hold back all my anger so that I may understand why Ross may feel this way.

After reading her bio, I believe this may be the reason why she may have found great disappointment in Dworkin and McKinnon:

"I grew up in a Christian Fundamentalist home (I know from feminism to the Moral Majority).  My father was a minister and I was taught at home.  There was no radio, television, and no sex before marriage.  My personal experience taught me that sexual repression is used to control and manipulate others."

Ross labeled Dworkin and MacKinnon anti-porn and anti-sex through her frustrations with the Christian Fundamentalist religion tendency to value abstinence before marriage. Dworkin and MacKinnon were
 not anti-sex or anti-pleasure. Dworkin acknowledged the sexual revolution during the 1960s in the USA. 

Peace and Love
About 20 minutes into this documentary called Pornography, Dworkin says:

"Initially, pornography was seen to be a vehicle of liberation simply because it violated laws. And the laws were associated with a repressive adult generation. And anything they tried to stop us from doing, 'we did!'. Pornography was part of that."

Dworkin was attacking the industry. She was critiquing the system. Pimps were making profit off of women's bodies. And by purchasing porn, consumers were contributing and continuing this violent cycle of abusing women in porn. Dworkin analyzed how they were all "responsible for the ways in which women are abused". Pimps exploited the sexual freedom that people have been fighting for and transformed it into a for-profit and "woman-hating industry". This does not mean that Dworkin was against people having sex. She was not against the natural human function of pleasure. She was going against the exploitation of sex.

Human Right
In Reshaping the Work-Family Debate, Joan Williams notes that MacKinnon theorized about the eroticizing of dominance. MacKinnon published Sexual Harassment of Working Women and then the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission adopted guidelines that established sexual harassment as gender discrimination (Williams 111). Dworkin and MacKinnon viewed pornography as violence against women (Williams 112). This doesn't mean that Dworkin and MacKinnon were against sex. This is the misconception people may have because of the distorted messages of their activism. Dworkin and MacKinnon were antipornography. They were against the dehumanization of women. They were against the way pornography heavily portrayed women as sexual objects.

For one, you can't ever really say that we are in a post-feminism era just like how we cannot say we are in a post-racism era. Feminism and racism has only shifted in form. Feminism is still alive and well today. So what does Ross and Rusbatch mean by post-feminism? I hope his intentions were along the lines such as "without feminism women are in danger".

How have you interpreted the meaning of his art work?